
Address: Ιθώμης 63, Γλυφάδα, Αττικής, 165 61

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Propertygram in numbers


Property listings

15 properties for sale

1 year and 1 month

Partner with

since 2023-04-15

2 areas

The professional is active in

Αθήνα, Πειραιάς


Who are we

We are a full-service real estate agency and property management company with deep knowledge in property industry. Our expertise covers consulting, management and development. Our primary goal is offering the best options to our clients in the market with turnkey solutions. Our expertise and connections come from our parent organization and its other subsidiaries in several countries. We are team of selected and expert associates of realtors, appraisers, lawyers, accountants, notaries, architects, engineers and property managers. Our portfolio is offering access to a wide range of unique properties such as prime residential, commercial, hospitality, land and new developments, as well as off-market options

Contact us

Address: Ιθώμης 63, Γλυφάδα, Αττικής, 165 61

Total listings: 15
| Partner since: April 15, 2023